
Prof. Larisa Buhin-Krenek, Ph.D

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Larisa Buhin-Krenek holds a master’s degree in Community Counseling and a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from Loyola University Chicago. Prof. Buhin-Krenek completed a one-year internship and post-doctoral specialization at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Student Counseling and Development Center, where she focused on Multicultural Humanistic-Existentialist psychotherapy, career counseling, and community-based prevention.

Prof. Buhin-Krenek’s international career in higher education spans close to 20 years and includes teaching at Hawai’i Pacific University, Loyola University Chicago, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and the University of Zagreb. Prior to joining Touro University Berlin, Prof. Buhin-Krenek was a full time faculty member at RIT Croatia. Her experiences with leadership in higher education include serving as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at RIT Croatia in Dubrovnik and as Dean of Undergraduate Programs at Touro College Berlin since August 2019. 

Prof. Buhin-Krenek’s research interests are in social justice, hate speech in social media, identity, culturally inclusive higher education, and resilience. She consults internationally on issues of multicultural education. Prof. Buhin-Krenek coordinates RESPOND!, a four-year project to combat antisemitism online, alongside Prof. Dr. Özen Odag. Project RESPOND! is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Prof. Buhin-Krenek is the primary investigator of project Radiate: Critical Social Media Literacy Against Hate, a project funded by the US Embassy to Germany.

Prof. Buhin-Krenek is an alumna of the Fulbright Fellowship Program and a recipient of several grants and awards for her teaching, research, and mentoring efforts. She is passionate about teaching, nature, and dogs.

Odağ, Ö., Schneider, F. M., Buhin, L., & Kim, J. (2023). Media use and political engagement: Cross-cultural approaches: An editorial introduction. International Journal of Communication, 17,

Schneider, F. M., Knop-Huelss, K., Kim, J., Buhin, L., Gröning, M., Umel, A. & Odağ, Ö. (2023). What role do entertainment media play in the development of political identity and engagement during emerging adulthood across cultures? International Journal of Communication, 17, 1445–1465,

Buhin, L. & Moskovits, J. (in press). Respect, Reflect, Revise: Teaching Multicultural Competencies in a Globalized Undergraduate Classroom. In B. Wolf, L- Buhin, T. Schmohl & M. Stricker (Eds.) Innovative teaching practices in internationalized higher education. wbv Media

Buhin, L., Morgan Consoli, M., Meza, D., & Unzueta, E. (manuscript in preparation). Resilience, national identity and just world beliefs: A mixed methods, cross-cultural investigation.

Buhin, L. & Havelka Meštrović, A. (manuscript in preparation). Coping with stress: Preferences of undergraduate student in Croatia. 

Havelka Meštrović, A., & Buhin, L. (2017). Placebo effect affecting attention: A smart pill. RIThink, 6, 1-12.

Havelka Meštrović, A., Bilić, M., Buhin Lončar, L., Mičković, V., & Loncar, Z. (2015). Psychological factors in experience of pain during childbirth. Collegium Antropologicum, 39, 557 – 565. 

Buhin Lončar, L. (2012).  Promoting well-being and mental health of refugees. In E. Vera (Ed.)  The Oxford Handbook of Prevention in Counseling Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc. ISBN10: 0195396421.

Buhin Lončar, L. (2012.) Usamljenost. In N. Jokić-Begić (Ed.) Psihosocijalne potrebe studenata.  Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

Novak, V., Petković, M. & Buhin Lončar, L. (Eds.) (2012.) Mentorstvo i konzultacije. Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu.

Smith, N. G., Keller, B., Mollen, D., Bledsoe, M., Buhin, L., Edwards, L. M., Levy, J. J., Magyar-Moe, J. L., & Yakushko, O. (2012). Voices of early career psychologists in Division 17, the Society of Counseling Psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 40, 794 – 825. DOI: 10.1177/0011000011417145. 

Shin, R. Q., Morgan, M., Buhin, L., Truitt, T., & Vera, E. M. (2010). Continuing to expand the discourse on urban youth of color. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16, 421–426.

Buhin, L. & Vera, E.M. (2009). Preventing racism and promoting social justice: Person-centered and environment-centered interventions. Journal of Primary Prevention, 30, 43-59.

Vera, E.M., Buhin, L., & Issaco, A. (2008). The role of prevention in psychology’s social justice agenda. In M. E. Kenny, A. M. Horne, P. Orpinas, and L. E. Reese (Eds). Realizing Social Justice: The Challenge of Preventive Interventions. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.


Brooks-Harris, J. E. & Buhin, L. (2007). Systemic-constructivist psychotherapy: Living within social systems. Chapter 9 in J. E. Brooks-Harris, Integrative multitheoretical psychotherapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin .

Buhin, L. (2006). Multicultural counseling. In Y. Jackson (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Buhin, L. (2006). Multicultural counseling competencies. In Y. Jackson (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Buhin, L. (2006). Strategies for prevention of racism in children. Prevention in Counseling Psychology: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, 2, 21-23.

Vera, E.M., Buhin, L., & Shin, R.Q. (2006). The pursuit of social justice and the elimination of racism. In D.W. Sue and M. Constantine (Eds). Addressing Racism: Facilitating Cultural Competence in Mental Health and Educational Settings. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Vera, E.M., Buhin, L., Shin, R. Q., & Montgomery, G. (2004). Enhancing therapeutic practice with racial and ethnic minority clients: Integrating prevention, advocacy, and outreach. In R. T. Carter (Ed.). Handbook of Racial and Ethnic Minority Psychology: Training and Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

London, L. H., Tierney, G., Buhin, L., Greco, D. M., Cooper, C. J. (2002). Kids’ College: Enhancing children’s appreciation and acceptance of cultural diversity. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 24, 63-78.

Radiate: Critical Social Media Literacy Against Hate (Apr, 2022 – March 2023), US Department of State

  • grant to develop a peer-to-peer guide for emerging adults on using social media literacy skills to prevent the spread of online hate speech.
  • role: principal investigator.

Project RESPOND! (Aug 2021 – July 2025), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung/Federal Ministry of Education and Research

  • research and action grant to improve the skills of emerging adults to recognize and effectively respond to anti-Semitism online.
  • role: co-principal investigator with Prof. Dr. Özen Odag

Conference Travel Award (Aug, 2022). German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

  • role: conference presenter.

CINCTUR: Center for Intercultural Competence, Trauma, and Resilience (2018), DocMorris Company

  • co-principal investigators: Odag, Ö. & Buhin-Krenek, L.

AdvanceRIT Grant (2015 – 2016), Rochester Institute of Technology

  • research and professional development grant for women faculty in STEM and SBS fields funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
  • role: principal investigator.

UNIPSINET – UNIZG (2011), University of Zagreb, Croatia

  • development of a virtual network of university counseling services and enhancement of care for student mental well-being. 
  • role: principal investigator.

2015 – Faculty Excellence Award, RIT Croatia.

2013-2014 – Lecturers’ Professional Development Grant, Rochester Institute of Technology.

2008-2009 – Fulbright Fellow, U.S. State Department and the Fulbright Commission.

2008 – Faculty Development and Promotion Committee Grant, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

2007 – Faculty Development and Promotion Committee Grant, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

2001-2002 – Teaching Fellow, Loyola University Chicago.

Introduction to Psychology


Theories of Personality

Psychological Assessment

Social Psychology

Intercultural Communication

Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Multicultural Counseling

Senior Honors Seminar

Senior Honors Project

Internship in Psychology

Prof. Larisa Buhin-Krenek, Ph.D Professor of Psychology T +49 (0)30 – 300 686 0 F +49 (0)30 – 300 686 39 Read More