Dr. Marius Fahrner
Dr. Marius Fahrner studied mathematics with a minor in philosophy in Frankfurt, Mainz, Lyon and Berlin and graduated from Humboldt University in Berlin with a thesis in quantum field theory. His interdisciplinary dissertation at the University of Cologne dealt with the application of the Socratic method in mathematics.
He teaches courses in pure and applied mathematics as well as introductory courses in philosophy at Touro University Berlin. On the one hand, his research interests lie in the development and application of mathematical models for various scientific disciplines, especially considering statistical methods as well as concepts of abstract algebra. On the other hand, his research deals with questions of educational philosophy and didactics. Here he is particularly interested in discovery and self-directed learning, especially in connection with the application of the Socratic method. In addition to his university activities, Dr. Fahrner works as a project manager for phase II – IV clinical trials.
Knowledge transfer:
Zentrum für empirische Evaluationsmethoden
Fahrner, M. & Wolf, B. (2018). Analysis of Skills at Entry and Overall Academic Performance in Undergraduate Management Studies from 2005/06 to 2015/16. In R. Beyer, B. Krause & J. Nachtwei (Hrsg.). Empirische Evaluationsmethoden (Bd. 22, S. 75-82). Berlin: ZEE-Verlag.
Fahrner, M. & Wolf, B. (2019). Untersuchung des Einflusses von Mathematikkompetenzen auf Studienerfolg in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. In R. Beyer, B. Krause & J. Nachtwei (Hrsg.). Empirische Evaluationsmethoden (Bd. 23, S. 31-39). Berlin: ZEE-Verlag.
Fahrner, M. & Wolf, B. (2019). Überfachlicher Kompetenzerwerb durch Anwendung der sokratischen Methode in der Mathematik. In T. Schmohl, & D. Schäffer (Hrsg.), Lehrexperimente der Hochschulbildung. Didaktische Innovationen aus den Fächern (TeachingXchange, Bd. 2, vollst. überarb. u. erw. Neuaufl.) (S. 99-116). Bielefeld: wbv.
Fahrner, M. (2020). Anwendung der sokratischen Methode in der Mathematik bei diverser Studierendenschaft. In R. Beyer, L. Beyer, I. Großmann & B. Krause (Hrsg.). Empirische Evaluationsmethoden (Bd. 24, S. 43-53). Berlin: ZEE-Verlag.
Bäumerich, M., Fahrner, M., Lühnen, J., Strobl, C., Richter, T. & Wolf, B. (2020). Qualitätsentwicklung in Studium und Lehre durch Design-Based Research. Die Hochschullehre, Jahrgang 7/2021, online unter: wbv.de/die-hochschullehre.
Fahrner, M., Lüdeke, H. & Wolf, B. (in print). Untersuchung des Einflusses der sokratischen Methode auf Kompetenzzuwachs bei diverser Studierendenschaft. In T. Schmohl (Hrsg.), Hochschuldidaktische Begleitforschung. Bielefeld: transcript. (ISBN: 978-3-8376-5558-2)
Wolf, B., Schmieder, C. & Fahrner, M. (in print). Teaching and Learning in Times of Social Distancing – Synchronous Lecture Formats and Student Competence Development. In Buhin-Krenek, L., Schmohl, T., Stricker, M. & Wolf, B. (Hrsg.), Innovative Teaching Practices in Internationalized Higher Education, publication series TeachingXchange, wbv Media.
Guillery, Reiners, Fahrner, Enge, Hellweg, Kunte & Kronenberg (submitted). The switching process from buprenorphine sublingual tablets to the monthly buprenorphine subcutaneous depot injection in opioid dependent patients. An examination of patient´s perception of the treatment switching process from oral buprenorphine sublingual tablets to monthly subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injection. Addiction Biology.
Book (Dissertation)
Fahrner, M. (2021). Anwendung der sokratischen Methode in der Mathematik. Eine Untersuchung in diversen Lernumgebungen. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag.